This site is an online database of small strictly Deza graphs. It is developed and maintained by Dmitriy Panasenko.
The adjacency matrices are available for download in various formats: in plain text or in GAP, Magma and SageMath format (in case of multiple adjacency matrices, all matrices are stored in an array). WL-closures of the graphs are given in plain text with WL-rank specified.
There are three databases available:
Database of small strictly Deza graphs with at most 21 vertices
Database of small strictly Cayley-Deza graphs with a > 0 with at most 59 vertices
Database of small proper divisible design graphs with at most 39 vertices
Some background on Deza graphs can be found here and a brief history of their enumeration is presented here. For more detailed information on Deza graphs in general see a survey by S. Goryainov and L. Shalaginov. Bibliography on Deza graphs can be found here.
Contact us if you have any questions or comments.
Design of this site is inspired by parameters of strongly regular graphs by A.E. Brouwer and database of distance regular graphs by R. Bailey.
This site would not have been possible without assistance from Sergey Goryainov, Vladislav Kabanov and Leonid Shalaginov.